Sound massage brings you harmony and balance

MENOS ESTRÉS = mas equilibrio personal

Todos los días diferentes personas nos contactan preguntando: Como podemos incrementar nuestro equilibrio y profundizar nuestra relaciones. Lo que estamos a punto de decirles esta basado en nuestras experiencias personales practicando de forma consciente la calma interior.

Less stress = More fulfillment

Take action to create more inner balance and a deeper sense of connection within ourselves and with others.

Less stress = More balance

If we want to make better choices and put our personal well-being as a priority, it is important to understand that what we do throughout our day has a direct impact on the quality and effectiveness of our relationships.

What are Imagery & Sound Journeys?

Imagery & Sound Journeys use imagination and sounds to frame the story being told. They are read or related by a speaker and can have a therapeutic effect as a relaxation technique, achieving a deep calm and relaxed state. Reduced muscle tension leads to physical and mental relaxation. The listener creates or visualises inner images to accompany the text, thereby integrating pleasant sensations. In my experience, even people who have difficulty visualising manage to make it happen during the Imaginary & Sound Journey.

Intensiv-Kurs zur Peter Hess-Klangmassage vom 01. - 07. März 2014 in Andalusien

In schöner und entspannter Atmosphäre mehrere Tage im Klangraum zu sein, ist in diesem Seminar möglich. So lernst Du nicht nur Neues, sondern kannst Dich erholen und auch Kraft tanken für Deinen Alltag.

Christine spricht über die Klangmassage

Entspannung durch Klang. Erleben - genießen - erfahren Sie die Klangmassage in Andalusien.

Die Wirkung von Klang

Klang ist eines der ältesten und wirkungsvollsten Heilmittel. Bei allen eingeborenen Völkern sind Singen, Tanzen, Geschichtenerzählen und die Stille Herz- und Leben spendende Geschenke. Sie erhalten die Werte und Traditionen der Menschen lebendig, heilige und heilende Ordnungen aufrecht und bewahren das qualitative Schwingungsfeld des Volkes.

What Stress Does to Your Hormones

Nothing wrecks your hormones faster than unmanaged stress. We all know that stress is not a bad thing as it helps motivate people to achieve great performance and productivity - while here we are talking about a healthy dose of stress.

Cellular health is the key to longevity

To maintain a healthy body you need to look after your cells and this means providing them with the right conditions and nutrients to allow rejuvenation and self-healing. As your body comprises a high proportion of water it comes as no surprise that water is a vital element in cellular health, as is oxygen. Cells also need the correct nutritional mix including vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids...

Christine Heckel introduces new health treatment to the Costa del Sol

We are constantly bombarded with new health and beauty products claiming to be a miracle cure for aches and pain or an elixir for everlasting youth, yet most seem to lack any kind of scientific validation. Christine Heckel a qualified alternative health professional has developed a brand new treatment called Asian Cellular Rejuvenation Treatment™ which is based on modern scientific research and ancient Asian know-how. Both schools of thought acknowledge that the body is made up of around 65% water and that water cells can be manipulated by vibrations.