Sound massage brings you harmony and balance

What are Imagery & Sound Journeys?

christine heckelImagery & Sound Journeys use imagination and sounds to frame the story being told.

They are read or related by a speaker and can have a therapeutic effect as a relaxation technique, achieving a deep calm and relaxed state. Reduced muscle tension leads to physical and mental relaxation. The listener creates or visualises inner images to accompany the text, thereby integrating pleasant sensations. In my experience, even people who have difficulty visualising manage to make it happen during the Imagery & Sound Journey.

Imagery & Sound Journeys usually have a sequence of events; prepare a comfortable atmosphere and introduce the sound to relax and prepare participants to connect to their inner world and resources. The next and main part of the journey is the ‘story’. Towards the end it is important to bring people back into reality, to the ‘here’ and ‘now’.  

This activity usually includes stretching and deep breathing to activate the blood circulation. We usually finish with a feedback on our individual experiences. Often the time after the Imagery & Sound Journey is used for expressive painting or brainstorming if the activity has been used to support a team or group project.

Here are the four different forms of Imagery & Sound Journeys:

  • Imagery Journeys
  • Aimed Imagery Journeys
  • Half open Imagery Journeys
  • Open Imagery Journeys.

The relaxation effect of Imagery Journeys is used in behavioural therapy. It is also used with elements of the Progressive Muscle Relaxation according to Edmund Jacobson or Autogenic Training (e.g. in occupational therapy, particularly in the fields of paediatrics and psychiatry). It can also be beneficial as a form of meditation, for example, with chakras, and it can also be applied in yoga. Other applications include education, in kindergartens and schools.

Applications by professionals in the working fields:

  • Fears and phobias
  • Concentration
  • Education
  • Psychosomatic therapy
  • Cessation of smoking
  • Back pain
  • Insomnia
  • Pain
  • Stress
  • Headache
  • Tinnitus
  • Tension

Imagery Journeys should not be used with people suffering an acute psychosis.


Sound Journeys using Singing Bowls and Gongs

Sound is used to connect with the “inner world” and to access to our inner resources.  Using the sounds produced from singing bowls and gongs can encourage even deeper relaxation, due to the harmonious sounds and rich in overtones, harmonics.

Alongside Sound Meditation, Christine Heckel offers Imagery & Sound Journeys aimed at relaxation and wellness. During this class you have the opportunity to find peace, rest and relaxation, making time to let go and switch off.   The journey invites you to listen and to enter your own dream world to achieve a soothing deep relaxing, energising and strengthening effect.

Imagery & Sound Journeys can help you to relieve burdens like stress, overwork and stimulus satiation, as well as regenerating, recovering, refuelling with strength and energy to reach inner balance.  Your capacity for creativity, readiness to learn and self-confidence can be bolstered by focusing on the positive and transmitting positive influence over your own body.

Imagery & Sound Journeys are suitable for adults and children, for individuals, groups and teams.

Christine Heckel offers regular Imagery & Sound Journeys in different languages; German, English and Spanish, please check the event calendar for the next upcoming events.  Christine also offers classes in combining Imagery Journeys with singing bowls and gong therapy.

For further information visit


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