Sound massage brings you harmony and balance

Learn the principles of sound therapy whilst enjoying a sunshine break in Andalucía?

Sound Massage therapy has its origins in the Eastern world. In India sound has been used for healing purposes for over 5,000 years.

It’s all about vibration.
Our complex physiology can be afflicted by physical dysfunctions and pains, as can our mental and emotional being. Sound therapy is a proven method of relieving the physical, mental and spiritual problems, by producing healing vibrations, which reposition the body’s cell into a state of harmony.

Although sound massage originates from the East, there is powerful scientific research that confirms its benefits. Medical practitioners and scientists consider sonic waves to be one of the most powerful and innovative tools for healing both your mind and body. Sound massage is also accepted as a method of relieving acute physical problems.

What does it do?
Soothing sounds promote deep relaxation, improved energy, stress relief and clarity of thought, which in turn can enhance your everyday life.

And this is what Christine likes about it: Simply relax and listen.


Who is it?
Christine Heckel is the only representative of the Peter Hess Academy Spain offering the authentic Peter Hess ® Sound Massage in Spain.

She is offering one week of training surrounded by nature, the soothing and relaxing sounds vibrations of the therapy singing bowls.

What is it? 
Combine your holidays with learning a different and special technique, Peter Hess® Sound Massage.

Get away from the hustle and bustle of modern life by unwinding in the Ayurveda & Seminar Hotel Luna & Sol Costa del Sol, where body, mind and soul can get into harmony.

Staying in this beautiful accommodation, Christine will host several full-day courses spread across 7 consecutive days from Sunday to Saturday, allowing you to learn sound massage during the entire course week, or to learn individual modules.

During the courses you can familiarise yourself with the theory and practical skills needed to perform sound massages for private use and for professionals to integrate it into their therapy work. Sound Massage is for example well complementary with occupational therapy as well as physiotherapy. 

Upon completion participants will receive a certificate from the Peter Hess Academy Spain, which is recognised by the Peter Hess Institute in Germany - and of course authentic Therapy Singing Bowls are available for purchase.

This is what course participants say:

„It was the only course I have ever attended that allowed me to not only learn the basics of a therapy (sound massage) but to have the opportunity to work with my inner self.

An amazing course which provided a safe environment, which was conducive to learning.

A beautiful life enhancing course which was taught with passion and love from both Christine and Ingrid.

I had a little knowledge of sound therapy both in theory and practice before attending the course, on completion I now feel the energy of sound within myself and feel totally connected.

Great course great tutors can't wait to start practicing looking forward to the next course.“


“Christine Heckel is a wonderful teacher and passionately dedicated to spreading the goodness of the Tibetan singing bowls. She offers wonderfully tailored courses where one can learn in depth the wonderful art and therapeutic use of the Tibetan bowls and she also provides with her loving and compassionate presence, the sacred space necessary to receive this beautiful teaching. With her, one feels at Home and in the hands of a professional and wonderful person.

The Peter Hess intensive international training held in Spain in March 2014 has been a blissful experience, very rewarding in terms of the techniques and approaches learned, also the depth of the transmission and the love and care supporting the students along their personal path of transformation through the sound of the bowls and their powerful effects. I myself had the experience of a profound healing occurring within me and I felt totally supported by Christine expertise and warm heart.

Christine provided a phenomenal translation from German into English, and was really careful to integrate all students from different linguistic backgrounds so they could all receive the best teaching possible. A real treat!

This course is a wonderful experience of self-healing and personal transformation and a teaching that will be a life long gift for whomever wishes to embrace the gentle art of massage through the singing bowls. Thank you!...”


No previous experience or qualifications are necessary for the Intensive Course!

For more information and reservation call Christine on + 34 667 43 88 29 or email

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