Sound massage brings you harmony and balance

Christmas Special on Peter Hess® quality therapy singing bowls

Christine is a fully qualified Sound Relaxation Coach authorised to teach sound massage under the Peter Hess Academy Spain. 

During her courses Christine only works with these special Therapy singing bowls, handmade of a high-quality bronze alloy of 12 metals.

These Peter Hess® quality singing bowls are made from twelve traditional metals. Seven of them are so-called planet metals, one for each planet: gold (sun), silver (moon), mercury (Mercury), copper (Venus), iron (Mars), and tin (Saturn). The five others are the following: Zink (effective against stress), Meteoric iron (enhances motivation and action), Bismuth (supports the digestive system), Galena (helps with joint inflammation) und Pyrite (strengthens the lung). The alloy also contains a small piece of an old singing bowl – a symbolic carrier of ancient knowledge.
Some metals, e.g. mercury and lead, are added in homeopathic amounts as it has been transferred from ancient healing knowledge (Ayurveda, Alchemy). For best sound and vibration the ideal bronze alloy is crucial.

The frequency spectra and the oscillation characteristics of the singing bowl are particularly important for the corresponding areas of the body. The produced sound of the singing bowl should be harmonious, without any side noises or changes in frequency and without inadequate secondary tones, like a challenging high tone. The sound spectra should sound rich in overtones and react flexible. These are some of the important characteristics of our Peter Hess® therapy singing bowls.

A whole selection of Therapy singing bowls has been developed over the years, supporting different parts of the body, including a Chakra-Set of singing bowls matching the suitable frequency for the main 7 chakras in our body, and a range of different sized meditation bowls with a long-lasting fine vibration.

Christine Heckel is the only reseller of Peter Hess® quality singing bowls in Spain and the only representative of the Peter Hess Institute in Germany representing the Peter Hess Academy Spain. In her courses and workshops she teaches how to use singing bowls for self-application as well as further training for health professionals.

NOW and only valid until 31st December 2016 you can buy a Peter Hess® Universal Therapy singing bowl with a 20% discount:

regular price of a  Peter Hess® Universal Therapy singing bowl and mallet: €185,00

X-Mas SPECIAL: €148,00

(shipping not included)

Visit for further information or to purchase authentic Peter Hess singing bowls or related items such as mallets, cymbals, gongs and other accessory contact Christine at or call at +34 667438829.

Thank You! Wishing you a Happy Holiday Season!






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