Energised, balanced and liberated

Energised, balanced and liberated

Dear Christine,

I'm very grateful for having met you two weeks ago during a wonderful and inspiring yoga-retreat in the beautiful and stilled nature in The Netherlands. 
You have really touched me with your great skill and sensitivity in combining your unique singing bowls. I had the privilege to experience your amazing, unique and personal ‘massage’.

I came in stressed, had lots of problems on my mind, but left being so centred and relaxed. My mind was silent, expanded and I felt a profound fullness and contentment.  I didn’t want to speak for a long time. This unique session was one of the highlights of this balancing week, it changed my mind completely. It felt so balanced and liberating. 

Though I'm busy again, working 6 days a week, I still feel very relaxed, balanced and energised.
With these few words I would like to express my gratitude. I wish that many people will find you and will experience the healing power of these unique vibrations.

Thank you!

 Robert Knol
 Heemstede (Holland) May 2013